The National Voice for Clinical Social Work

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CSWA is proud to vigilantly monitor issues within the field of clinical social work, and national legislation that affects clinical social workers. Please see below for a history of those announcements and legislative alerts. To receive timely information directly to your inbox, join CSWA today

  • December 30, 2024 3:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 29, 2023

    For the past year, I have been working on a document with NASW on Clinical Social Work Standards. A draft of this document has been released for public comment. I hope all CSWA members will take a look at it and offer your comments. You can find it at The comment period is open until September 15, 2023.

    This is kind of a condensed version of the Private Practice in Clinical Social Work: A Reference Manual, which I also participated in developing with NASW, released in 2021.

    Please send me your thoughts as well.

    - Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice

  • December 30, 2024 3:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 12, 2023

    Good news! On July 7th, 2023, Governor Mike Parson signed Senate Bill 670 and Senate Bill 157 making Missouri the first state to enact the Social Work Licensure Compact. This is a milestone development in supporting the mobility of licensed social workers.

    SB 670 was sponsored by Senator Travis Fitzpatrick and Senator Lauren Arthur, and SB 157 was sponsored by Senator Rusty Black.

    The Social Work Licensure Compact seeks to increase public access to social work services, provide licensees with opportunities for multistate practice, support relocating military families, and allow for expanded use of telehealth technologies. Currently, the model compact legislation is available for other states to introduce and enact like Missouri. Thus far there have been nine other states that have introduced: Utah, Kentucky, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Ohio.

    How is the Social Work Compact progressing in your state?

    If you have not reached out to your legislators to let them know about the Compact, please start the process now. You can find the materials to use on the Compact Information page on the CSWA website.

    Please let me know when you have 1) a pending or passed bill in your state, 2) a legislator who is willing to sponsor the bill, 3) if you need assistance in finding a legislator to sponsor the Compact bill, and/or 4) have talked to NASW about working together to get the Compact going.

    Let me know when you have any information on the above issues.

    - Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice

  • December 30, 2024 3:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 29, 2023

    By Laura Groshong, LICSW, Director, Policy and Practice

    Here are two issues which I hope you will all address with your members of Congress and your state legislature.

    For Members of Congress:

    • H.R. 2474 is a bill which would improve Medicare reimbursement rates by using the rate of inflation as the way to adjust reimbursement each year instead of the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) which does not use inflation as a factor.
    • H.R. 2474 would also tie reimbursement to the Medicare Economic Index which is based on provider expenses and other economic trends.
    • Medicare rates have not increased since 2001, making payments 26% lower today than they were then, when adjusting for inflation. This is one of the major reasons that LCSWs are opting out as Medicare providers. There is a freeze on updated reimbursement until 2026.
    • Though this is a House bill, please let your Senators know as well. You can contact them all at Here is a message you can use or change it to use your own words: “I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a constituent. Please support H.R. 2474 which will make Medicare reimbursement more equitable for mental health services. Reimbursement rates have not increased since 2001 and are therefore 26% less when adjusted for inflation. LCSWs are opting out as Medicare providers, leaving vulnerable beneficiaries without adequate mental health services. Thank you for your support.”

    For State Legislatures:

    • The Social Work Compact is now available to be passed by state legislatures. There are 10 states which have begun the process of getting the bill passed; Missouri has already passed the bill. We need six more states to create the Commission to oversee the Compact.
    • Here is a map of the 26 states that have passed the Counselor Compact, These states should be open to passing the Social Work Compact as well.
    • For more information on how to make your state legislators aware of the Social Work Compact, go to the Compact Information page on the CSWA website.

    Please let me know when you have sent messages to Congress and members of your state legislatures. Thanks for your help.

  • December 30, 2024 3:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 20, 2023

    Looking for a way to be more involved? Organizations that Offer Support for Trans People

    To follow up on our Position Paper released in April, please find resources below that may be helpful in promoting efforts to block anti-trans bills, notably relative to the provision of gender-affirming care.

    • ACLU is one of the main organizations opposing bills to limit trans rights. Below is a link to an effort to protect a trans woman in prison in DC and a map that shows which states have the most bills to limit trans rights:

    • has an excellent list of 100 organizations in all 50 states that are fighting anti-trans rights:

    • has a report on anti-trans legislation in sports:

    • Here and Now on NPR has a discussion of the impact of anti-trans campaigns on the mental health of trans youth in particular:

    • CNN has a graph showing the increase in anti-LGBT bills. In 2018 there were 42 bills filed in state legislatures; in 2023 there were 412:

    • Here is a newly published article by Allan Barsky, PhD, that offers some ideas about the ethical responsibilities of clinical social workers to oppose anti-trans bills:

    Barsky, A. E. (2023, June 16). Ethics Alive: Urgent Alert – “Some states have banned gender-affirming care for transgender minors. What are our responsibilities?” The New Social Worker.

    Please let us know if you have other resources that we can share with CSWA members. CSWA will continue our efforts to oppose anti-trans legislation and other harmful practices.

  • December 30, 2024 3:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 8, 2023

    Below are the materials to use to begin lobbying for the creation of the Social Work Compact. They are hopefully self-explanatory but let me know if you need any further information or direction. Please start the process in the next couple weeks.

    Many thanks,

    Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice

    Background on SW Compact 6-23

    LCSW Compact - Lobbying 6-23

    SW Compact - Bullet Page 2023

  • December 30, 2024 3:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 2, 2023

    Here is some clarifying information about Medicare’s requirement that patients that are being seen through telemental health must have an in-person session every six or twelve months.

    The language from Medicare is as follows (yellow outline is mine):

    Telehealth includes certain medical or health services that you get from your doctor or other health care provider who's located elsewhere (or in the U.S.) using audio and video communications technology (or audio-only telehealth services in some cases), like your phone or a computer. You can get many of the same services that usually occur in-person as telehealth services, like psychotherapy and office visits.

    Through December 31, 2024, you can get telehealth services at any location in the U.S., including your home. After this period, you must be at an office or medical facility located in a rural area (in the U.S.) for most telehealth services.

    You can get certain Medicare telehealth services without being in a rural health care setting, including:

    • Monthly End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) visits for home dialysis.
    • Services for diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment of symptoms of an acute stroke wherever you are, including in a mobile stroke unit.
    • Services to treat a substance use disorder or a co-occurring mental health disorder (sometimes called a "dual disorder"), or for the diagnosis, evaluation or treatment of a mental health disorder in your home. (

    In short, diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders will be covered by traditional Medicare until at least 12/31/24 without an in-person session. Audio only treatment will be covered “in some cases” so more guidance is needed on what the cases are that will be covered.

    Treatment overseen by Medicare Advantage, or commercial insurers, may or may not require in-person sessions, and may or may not cover telemental health or audio only treatment.

    I hope this clarifies the situation for now. Let me know if you need more information.

    - Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice

  • December 30, 2024 3:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 25, 2023

    Here is a clarifying announcement from CMS about coding and requirements for in-person meetings. Most of this information was sent last month. There is coding information about audio only which should be followed. Though the information is for rural health clinics it also applies to private practice elsewhere.

    The information can be found at

  • December 30, 2024 3:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 17, 2023

    Please visit the CSWA Position Papers page to view the Position Paper on Trans Youth. 

  • December 30, 2024 3:26 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 1, 2023

    By Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice

    As was noted in the CSWA Announcement of March 16, 2023, “Telemental Health Coverage When PHE Ends”, there will be changes to clinical social work practice when the Public Health Emergency (PHE) ends on May 11, 2023. This paper elaborates on these additional changes which affect many more areas of practice.

    HIPAA Changes

    As we know, the kinds of video platforms that were allowed to conduct mental health treatment during the pandemic were relaxed. Platforms that did not meet the security requirements of HIPAA including Facetime, Skype, and others which did not provide a Business Associate Agreement (BAA), were accepted by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and not seen as a violation of HIPAA rules. This relaxation will change with the end of the PHE. The relaxation of providing the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) for telemental health will also be back in effect.

    OCR is providing a 90-calendar day transition period for covered health care providers to come back into compliance with the HIPAA Rules with respect to their provision of telehealth. The transition period will be in effect beginning on May 12, 2023 and will expire at 11:59 p.m. on August 9, 2023. OCR will continue to exercise its enforcement discretion and will not impose penalties on covered health care providers for noncompliance with the HIPAA Rules that occurs in connection with the good faith provision of telehealth during the 90-calendar day transition period.

    In other words, by August 9, 2023, all LCSWs will need to demonstrate that they are using a HIPAA compliant platform, e.g., ZoomPro,, and other platforms offer a BAA. OCR has not been penalizing LCSWs for the failure to give a GFE to patients who are self-pay or pro bono. These penalties will be back in effect as of August 9 if LCSWs are found to be non-compliant.

    For more information visit

    Changes to Codes and Modifiers for Medicare

    Medicare has added more guidance in regard to codes which will be covered and modifiers needed for coverage. In addition to psychotherapy codes, there are several new codes available to clinical social workers for Behavioral Care Management which would include care integration and other services that have not been covered until now. The code will be G0323 for Care Management Services for Behavioral Health Conditions.

    The details are:

    ● New for CY 2023: Describes general BHI that a clinical psychologist (CP) or clinical social worker (CSW) performs to account for monthly care integration

    ● A CP or CSW, serving as the focal point of care integration furnishes the mental health services

    ● At least 20 minutes of CP or CSW time per calendar month

    Additionally, the modifier for Medicare claims is “GT” though “95” can be used for other claims.

    For more details visit

    Medicare Advantage Changes

    Medicare Advantage (MA) plans may offer continued telehealth benefits. Individuals in a Medicare Advantage plan should check with their plan about coverage for telehealth services. Remember that MA plans are commercial insurance and have their own coverage. Some MA plans may require patients to be seen in person at least once a year. After December 31, 2024, when these flexibilities expire, some MA Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) may offer telehealth services that allow primary care doctors to care for patients without an in-person visit, no matter where they live. If your health care provider participates in an ACO, check with them to see what telehealth services may be available. In short, the coverage for MA plans may be more variable than coverage for traditional Medicare.

    For more information, visit

    Private Health Insurance and Telehealth

    As is currently the case during the PHE, coverage for telehealth and other remote care services will vary by private insurance plan after the end of the PHE. When covered, private insurance may impose cost-sharing, prior authorization, or other forms of medical management on telehealth and other remote care services. For additional information on your insurer’s approach to telehealth, contact your insurer’s customer service number located on the back of your insurance card.


    For more detailed information in general, visit

    The next few months will bring many changes. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • December 30, 2024 3:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    March 16, 2023

    By Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice

    The Public Health Emergency (PHE) is ending on May 11, 2023. This has caused some concern for LCSWs who have been working through telemental health since the pandemic began in 2020. The question of whether psychotherapy will be covered when the PHE ends is a complex one. Here is what we know about telemental health coverage at the moment:

    Coverage of Telemental Health – The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 extended Medicare coverage of telemental health until December 31, 2024, which is good news. While most commercial insurers tend to follow CMS guidance, this time it appears that this may not be the case. Some insurers have already begun to limit telemental health coverage; this may increase after May 11. It is not too early to have patients check with their insurers about the likelihood that telemental health will be limited/no longer covered going forward.

    Meeting In-Person – The CMS requirement that Medicare patients be seen in person at least once a year when the PHE ends has been delayed until December 31, 2024.

    Audio-Only Telemental Health – CMS coverage of Medicare patients through audio-only telemental health will continue until December 31, 2024.

    If a patient’s insurer is planning to stop telemental health or audio only coverage in some way, it would be helpful to have patients talk to their HR person about keeping telemental health coverage in place. It may also be helpful to file a complaint with state insurance commissioners if insurers are unwilling to continue coverage of telemental health treatment.

    There may be other questions that members have about the way that the end of the PHE will affect LCSW practices. Please let me know if you do. For more information on these topics go to CSWA will be tracking these changes for members.

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