The National Voice for Clinical Social Work
November 21, 2024
by Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice
I have received several questions about Medicare coverage of virtual telemental health which is currently scheduled to end on December 31, 2024. This would be a significant problem for the many LCSWs that have continued to see patients through videoconferencing since the pandemic first led to coverage of this option. Audio-only coverage is also being challenged.
It may be hard to remember that four and a half years ago, these delivery systems were not covered by Medicare; all patients were seen in person unless they lived in rural areas or had a disability that made it impossible for them to be seen in person. Commercial insurers, as they often do, generally followed the lead of CMS in their willingness to cover therapy through videoconferencing and audio-only means.
There are some bills in Congress now that would extend and/or make permanent the ability to have videoconferencing and audio-only treatment covered by Medicare. There is a good chance that one of them may pass or be attached to another bill. CMS has already recommended that videoconferencing and audio-only psychotherapy services be covered permanently, but Congress must pass a bill that will make that law.
Therefore, please send the following message to your members of Congress by visiting and to the Senate at "I am a licensed clinical social worker, a member of the Clinical Social Work Association, and a constituent. Please pass a bill that will allow me to continue treating Medicare patients with mental health and substance use problems virtually. This has become the only way many patients can receive treatment. If not changed, these patients will be unable to continue to work on these serious problems after December 31, 2024." As always, please let me know when you have sent your messages.
As for the issue of seeing patients in person every six or twelve months, that rule has been delayed for two years, and will be reviewed during that time.
It is frustrating to be faced with these changes that may significantly affect our practices. With any luck, we will be able to continue to do our work in ways that are best for our patients and for us as LCSWs.
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